How to use Markdown

Here is a cheatsheet of Markdown to help you format.

Basic inline formatting with Markdown

Block formatting with Markdown

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you like to mix and match using Markdown with accessible keyboard shortcuts, then here is a cheatsheet of CKEditor 5 keyboard shortcuts.

CopyCtrl + C + C
PasteCtrl + V + V
Paste plain text and inherit target formattingCtrl + Shift + V + Shift + V
UndoCtrl + Z + Z
RedoCtrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
+ Y
+ Shift + Z
Select allCtrl + A + A
BoldCtrl + B + B
ItalicCtrl + I + I
LinkCtrl + K +K
Insert a hard break (e.g. a new paragraph)Enter
Insert a soft break (i.e. a<br>)Shift + Enter
Nest the current list item (when in a list)Tab
Move out of link or inline style /
When a widget is selected (for example: image, table, horizontal line, etc.)
Insert a new paragraph directly after a widgetEnter
Insert a new paragraph directly before a widgetShift + Enter
Display the caret to allow typing directly before a widget /
Display the caret to allow typing directly after a widget /
In a table cell
Move the selection to the next cellTab
Move the selection to the previous cellShift + Tab
Insert a new table row (when in the last cell of a table)Tab
Navigate through the table / / /

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